Categories Home Maintenance, Prevention, Water Damage & Mold

Wake Up! The Truth About Black Mold

Black mold sounds just as menacing as it is. It releases lethal mycotoxin spores and can cause neurological breakdown, pulmonary decay, immune system degradation, skin irritation, and even death. Whether you’re working to prevent black mold from growing in your home or remediating an existing problem, here are facts you need to know to stay safe.

Black Mold Facts

1. Black mold is a neurotoxin: The spores released by black mold attach your brain’s neurons—incapacitating your mental ability. The reaction to black mold can be tremors, mood swings, and other neurological shifts.

2. Black mold suppresses your immune system: When you breathe in black mold spores, your immune system is weakened, so on top of being sick from the mold, you can also become more easily ill from germs.

3. Black mold can kill: If you’re exposed for long enough, black mold spores can shut down your organs, incapacitate your immune system, and damage your brain—resulting in death.

4. Black mold endangers pregnant women: Women who are pregnant can suffer birth defects, miscarriage, and infertility later on.

5. Black mold can harm anyone—including pets: The young, sick, and elderly are most susceptible to black mold symptoms and damage, but all living things can be harmed by black mold.

6. Black mold has a smell: The mold smells like mildew and must, so it’s detectable even when you can’t see it.

7. Mold grows in damp, humid, and warm locations: All molds love this combination and thrive in it. That’s why your bathroom is a breeding ground for black mold and other types of mold.

8. You’ll suffer from a number of symptoms when exposed to black mold: Symptoms of black mold exposure include fatigue, headaches, seizure, tremors, mood swings, confusion, fever, eye irritation, sneezing, rashes, coughing, bleeding of the lungs, and sometimes death.

9. Black mold isn’t actually toxic: The mold itself isn’t poisonous—just the spores it emits.

10. Some damage is irreversible: Depending on how long you live amongst black mold, you could suffer once it’s been remediated. Immune system weakening and sensitivity to mold can persist throughout your lifetime.

11. Mold is everywhere: Mold spores are all around us all the time. Only some present major health hazards.

Categories Home Maintenance, Prevention, Water Damage & Mold

Common Questions Insurance Attorneys Ask

There are many questions that people may have when it comes to insurance attorneys. After all, most people don’t even think about such issues until calamity strikes. But just imagine- what is the next step after you’ve suffered a major loss from fire, theft, or some other catastrophe, and you’ve filed an insurance claim?

You probably aren’t sure about what your specific rights are in this situation, and you may be wondering whether or not you are able to trust your insurance company. This is a natural reaction. Your financial interests and your insurance company’s financial interests are at a direct conflict- you want the maximum payout, while your insurer wants to pay as little as possible. Basically, an insurance claim functions as a business negotiation.

Even if you’ve been paying your monthly dues faithfully for your coverage in order to get the compensation that you’re insuring yourself with, you may still need to fight with your insurance company for it. This is why you may end up needing professional legal help in the struggle against your insurer. Read on to learn more about what an insurance coverage lawyer does, and about the most common questions that our insurance attorneys are asked.

Common Questions

There are many questions that you may have about your insurance claim and whether or not you may need an experienced property damage attorney such as Your Insurance Attorney. Do you need professional help? Do you need a lawyer? What is a public adjuster versus a private adjuster? Should you try and handle it on your own?

Q: You’ve filed a claim under your homeowners policy and met with adjusters from your company, but a dispute has come up. Should you get a lawyer?

A: If you feel like you’ve hit a wall with your insurance company and are losing patience, feeling frustrated, angry or anxious, or are worried about time passing and/or losing your rights, then a qualified attorney is able to assist. Your Insurance Attorney is able to help you get the respect and claim results you deserve. 

Q: Can I Hire My Family Lawyer To Represent Me?

A: You can- but you really shouldn’t. It’s important to get a lawyer such as Your Insurance Attorney who has extensive experience in insurance litigation, as insurance companies may assess the risk of not settling with you when they look at the strength of your representative.

Find Your Insurance Coverage Lawyer

Q: How Do I Find The Right Lawyer?

A: It’s important for you to find the right lawyer to represent your interests when dealing with your insurer, as you can be sure that they have plenty of strong representation so that they don’t have to pay the maximum amount owed. You can get reviews from friends and family, and it’s important to check references. Here at Your Insurance Attorney, we have years of experience and good reviews from satisfied clients. The attorney you choose should have your utmost confidence, and give you good reason for doing so! 

Contact us today @ (754) 456-7897 for more information and free consultation